Navigating the Evolving Settlement Cycle of the Indian Stock Exchange: A Contemporary Perspective

March 21, 2024
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Dr.Vandana Gaur

In the dynamic landscape of stock trading, the settlement cycle stands as a cornerstone, dictating the timing of trade finalization and the exchange of funds and securities. In India, recent developments have brought about changes in the settlement cycle of the stock exchange, reshaping the way transactions are processed and highlighting the need for market participants to stay updated with the latest regulations and practices.

The settlement cycle refers to the period between the execution of a trade and its settlement, where funds and securities are exchanged between the buyer and the seller. It's essentially the process through which transactions are cleared and finalized in the stock market. In India, the settlement cycle operates under the guidelines set by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the regulatory body overseeing the country's securities markets.

Traditionally, the Indian stock market operated on a T+2 settlement cycle, where trades were settled two business days after the trade date. However, in a significant move aimed at enhancing market efficiency and aligning with global standards, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) introduced T+1 settlement for the equity segment effective from August 2020. This transition marked a pivotal shift in the settlement process, reducing the time taken to settle trades and bringing India closer to international best practices.

With the introduction of T+1 settlement for the equity segment, trades in the cash market are now settled on the next business day after the trade date. This accelerated settlement cycle has several implications like reduced Settlement Risk,Increased liquidity and operational adjustments.Shortening the settlement cycle minimizes the exposure to counterparty risk and enhances overall market safety.Also,Faster settlement encourages higher trading volumes and liquidity in the market, benefiting investors and market participants.

Market participants, including brokers, custodians, and clearinghouses, have had to adapt their operational processes to accommodate the shortened settlement cycle.

Despite the transition to T+1 settlement for equities, derivatives trading, including futures and options, continues to operate on a T+1 settlement cycle. This maintains consistency with established practices in the derivatives market and ensures seamless operations for market participants.

Understanding the Contemporary Settlement Process

The settlement process in the Indian stock market follows a series of steps, including trade execution, confirmation, clearing, settlement, and post-settlement activities. The recent shift to T+1 settlement for equities has streamlined this process further, expediting the exchange of funds and securities between buyers and sellers.

In the evolving landscape of the Indian stock market, staying informed about the latest developments and regulatory changes is paramount for market participants. Understanding the nuances of the settlement cycle, including recent updates such as the transition to T+1 settlement for equities, enables investors and traders to navigate the market efficiently and capitalize on opportunities while mitigating risks.


The settlement cycle of the Indian Stock Exchange is undergoing a paradigm shift with the introduction of T+1 settlement for equities, reflecting a concerted effort to enhance market efficiency and align with global standards. As market participants adapt to these changes, a comprehensive understanding of the contemporary settlement process is essential for navigating the complexities of the stock market and capitalizing on emerging opportunities. By staying informed and remaining agile, investors and traders can leverage the evolving settlement cycle to their advantage in pursuit of their financial goals.

Thanks & Regards
Dr.Vandana Gaur
Associate Professor-Finance
Delhi Institute of Higher Education